Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Citz Club Lunch

 We had our volunteer lunch at the Citz club with our connect 20 friends. It’s an occasion I always look forward to. I ordered mini hotdogs with fries and a large ginger beer. It was so yum!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Matariki VR trail

In celebration of Matariki, the guys and I went to the Matariki VR trails, one in Mt Maunganui and the other on the Strand. It's the first of its kind here in Tauranga. We had to use the staff phones to actually see the sculptures, it was crazy cool. There were lots to see, many of which being quite unique. We also enjoyed a picnic lunch at the beach. What a fantastic day.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Muka Exhibition

Te Roopu Whare Tapa Wha went to a muka exhibition at the Historic Village today. Did you know Muka are the fibres extracted from the harakeke plant. I saw beautiful korowai, earrings and other art made from muka. It was amazing. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mount Hot Pools

I spent the day at the Mount hot pools. Yea I did! After all the weights I’ve been lifting at Blaze lately it was a perfect way to let my muscles relax and recover. We walked along the board walk and found a nice patch of grass to eat our lunch on. I’m definitely ready for a nap now, what a day!