Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Another month rolled over means another sailability lesson, Yeeyaah! It was a pretty special day for me, I finally received my sailability tshirt! There were 4 of us that wore them and I must admit we looked pretty snazzy. 
It was a beautiful day out on the water.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Volunteering @ the SPCA Op Shop

My friend Crimson and I went down the 15th Ave SPCA op shop where we volunteered our time. I walked up and down the aisles, tiding up the clothes racks, making sure the clothes were hung on the hangers properly. I tidied up the book and CD section too. I had such a great time, helping people out  when I can always makes me feel happy!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Delivering food to the "Under the Stars" organisation

 This week my Discovery group delivered freshly baked banana cakes to the "Under the Stars" organisation, who provide food for the homeless and people in need. It is a nice act of service that we are paying forward. In the afternoon we went to Anzac park and the Greerton library. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Discovery 2-Project Papatuanuku

I enjoyed myself in Project Papatuanuku, I planted lots of Vegetable seeds, I cant wait to watch them grow!